Best Dressed Men - 2009 Beta Version
How to look and behave like a gentleman.
By- Sylvia-
Adam Levine -Maroon 5 -Take notes boys. Great example of how you can look edgy, classic, and stylish in 2009. (And it doesn't hurt if you have a great singing voice)
[No I'mage] Dan B?????ti - I met him once in NYC and he dresses s-h-a-r-p, another thing that is nessesary in being a gentleman is treat people with at least a little respect, no matter how irritating, insane, old or young (you think) they are. I'm not sure what his last name is....
[No Image] Eric F????ng - I can't spell his last name but he went to my hall 2007-2009 what can you learn from Eric? While you apply the above guidline, don't lie or lead people on because you think you are being nice because ultimatly; you are not.
[No Image] Paul - I don't know his last name but he always seems to dress with purpose and style even if he's just going to watch a movie. The lesson here being, when you dress like a sloppy jerk, people may assume that you don't respect or value their company. Last time I saw him he looked like Gregory Peck.
[No Image] Crapface Mcspazzitron [I really don't like this guy so I'm not posting his name] - Even when he look like crap he looks put together. Crapface treats me like a sister (read as: torments me), never wears suits, and his hair is far from neat. But yes there is a lesson here:Mixing obnoxious patterns and neon colors that should look revolting & making them look cool. His hair manages to always be well balanced on the fine line of 'Hopeless loser' and 'Effortless winner', I don't know how he does it but as soon as I find out I'll post it. He looks kind of like a young Elvis.
Johnny Depp - If you insist or dressing with like a homeless bum and calling it 'bohemian' then follow his example and try not to over do it, just a few of the homeless esentials at a time ok? The super worn jacket, very distressed pair of jeans, shoes that older then you, wife beater tank top and all of the jewlery you own, does not look good when you were them all at the same time, so try to keep it down to 2 at a time.
6/16/09 - Last day of tec
6/22/09 - Last day of school
6/22/09 - Last day of school
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