Sunday, November 1, 2009

Walking on a dream

We are always running for the thrill of it, thrill of it.............*high-pitched words I can't decipher*

Watching my mome hobble/walk makes me feel rrrrrreeeeeeeeaaaaaaalllllly terrible.
I think I maybe failed my PSSAs.........yay......I'll get to be a senior for a year longer then everyone else...........................wooooooooooooooooooo.

Uhh.....what else?

mom wants me to go to bucks&I'd do it but she won't let me regular pioneer too....or if i do she won't let me use her car and I can't get my permit when I turn 18 cause I 'Haven't earned it" so I could go against theocratic direction, ignor the fact that I'm still under my parents roof and get someone else to take me to the DMV but if I do ,she won't help me buy a car or let me use her's.....

Sometimes I forget that my dad is head of the house....

is that tterrible?

I was gonna ask bro. Davey is depression was a sign of not enough faith or what ever...but I didn't cause that'd be obvious.

I wish Ron hadn't movd out....I feel like I have to face my family by myself now, which is a terrible thing to admit considering they are witnesse s too....

Oh, and I feel betrayed by my 3 closest friends, so eventhough I'm aware of my trust issues, I don't think I'm wrong to have them. Does that still count as denial?


I'm supposed to be doing Chinese hw now but grayce lifted my computer so I can't

I could write about what's happing in the lives of others around me...but this is my diary so I feel I can be completly selfsentered when I update if I feel like it.

Ok... ...hmmm this is making my head race agin.
